Saturday 2 April 2011

A Weekend At Taplow Court

I'm spending the weekend at Taplow Court the headquarters of Soka Gakkai International United Kingdom. I'm attending a Buddhist training course here for the duration of the weekend.

I awoke early this morning, I always do when sleeping in unfamiliar rooms. Took advantage of this by strolling around the house and grounds. I found a lovely woodland track at the top of an embankment overlooking the River Thames. Geese were flying overhead. I feel embraced by humanity in this place. This is going to be a great weekend. I deserve it.

Friday 1 April 2011

My Sister The April Fool

So been back at work 3 days. It's been fine. Everyone very supportive. My manager especially so, a sort of take it easy attitude.

My sister has been texting me constantly for updates. I was out with friends last night and had drunk a fair few. Impressed she was not. Worried I would piss this job up the wall. I know she's only nagging out of concern but at the end of the day it's a bit like the kettle calling the pot black. She drinks as much as I do.

Anyhow got her back this morning with this text conversation. For those not familiar with the London gay club scene, Fire is a club that stays open until well after the sun has risen.