Friday 4 March 2011

An Overflowing Cistern and Another Lunch With Fifi

The bathroom toilet cistern has been overflowing. The overflow pipe outside has been dripping for the last couple of days. As the overflow pipe is positioned directly above the centre of the back door, this has made going into the garden problematic. I've had to slink out sideways against the opening edge to avoid getting dripped on. So, today I thought, I must fix that. Not a big job, just a case of slightly adjusting the ballcock (don't you love English). So I've tinkered with it a bit, but it seems it wasn't enough, as about an hour after flushing it still overflows. I'll give it another tweak tomorrow. If that doesn't work a plumber may be required.

Went for another pub lunch with Fifi. We both agreed that it would be great to work part-time so that weekday lunches with friends could be a regular habit. There's a flexible hour system at work, so most people tend to take short lunch breaks as it means they can leave earlier, so even lunch with colleagues is a rare thing.

Today, I opted for the Full Veggie English Breakfast, as the salad was the same as I had last week, presumably it's a house speciality. I hadn't actually eaten all morning, so even though it was well past 2 o'clock by the time we ordered, the breakfast seemed a logical choice to me. I was not disappointed. The most amazing veggie sausages I think I've ever had the pleasure of eating and two eggs done to perfection on a toasted slice of ciabatta. Along with the baked beans, mushrooms and herbed tomatoes it was all just - Mmmm. It was the first complete plate of food I've managed to finish in the last 2 weeks - I just haven't had an appetite lately.

I thought I'd include this cartoon. Em is one of my favourite cartoons. It used to appear daily in The London Paper before that folded a couple of years ago and since then Maria Smedstad - the creator - has continued producing the strips online. Its the story of a group of 30-something friends struggling with all the things that everyone struggles with in a big city - love, life, friendship. This latest one so resonates with my own life - it's so embarrassing lining up bottle after bottle of red wine at the checkout ;-)
Check other Em Cartoons here.

Click to Enlarge

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