Thursday 24 February 2011

A Bit of Springcleaning, Emphasis on Bit

Finely managed to summon the energy, although not necessarily the enthusiasm, to start a bit of cleaning, only a bit though. Have changed and washed my bedding and weather appears mild enough over next day or two to even try drying it outside on the washing line. The kitchen got a thorough wipe down too. Also got round to replying to some emails and texts which I just haven't had the motivation to respond to. Perhaps the Prozac is starting to kick in. Not feeling so negative and "what's the fucking point" today.

Tomorrow I'll reacquaint myself with the vacuum cleaner. Tiger is shedding fur badly. White cat fur and black clothes - not a good mix. Love her though.


Breenlantern said...

One day at a time buddy. If it would help motivate you, you can come clean my house, too :-)

RG said...

Life goes on - I know it's cliche, but it's all I got right now. :-)